I have found in the last 12 months that some civil engineering professionals have become nervous about looking for new opportunities with companies in different locations that offer the next step and career advancement. It seems at times that the current climate is making people second guess looking for their ideal job. With certain companies winning more work and retaining staff it appears that the thought of being made redundant with a healthy payout or working in a precontracts environment can at times be more appealing than taking the plunge into the unknown. People can forget the reasons why they are not 100% happy in first place. Whether they had a scan on a job website, called a recruiter or simply put some feelers out in search of a more rewarding opportunity.
Statistics and forums show that most employees who accept counter offers or stay with current employers find themselves in the same unhappy environment within months. People can forget the nature of their industry and that you need to follow your intuition about future opportunities, and that everyone is in exactly the same boat. There are thousands of sayings referring expanding your horizons, always being open to change, nothing ventured, nothing gained etc, etc…
People who are open to looking at exciting new opportunities in other states or countries are presenting themselves and families to so many more options. If you speak to anyone whose mother or father worked in: mining, education, defence, medicine or other similar industries they will tell you that they were lucky enough to live in interesting places, making life time friends and knowing that you can always return home if things don’t work out.
Justin Paul – Director